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Specialists in infectious disease are protesting a gigantic overnight increase in the price of Daraprim,a 62-year-old drug that is the standard of care for treating malaria and toxoplasmosis.

1. What are the causes of price increases for drugs like Daraprim?
2. What is the past controversy associated with Martin Shkreli, the founder and chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals?
3. With the patent for Daraprim expired, what are the roadblocks to generic production of this drug?
4. Graph the sales statistics of Daraprim since 2010, including the names of the corporate owners over this period and the number of prescriptions as reported in the article.

Pollack, A. (2015). Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight. The New York Times, Sep. 20 (Retrievable online at