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Newsjacking refers to the practice of capitalizing on the popularity of a news story to amplify your sales and marketing success. The term was popularized in David Meerman Scott’s book Newsjacking: How to Inject Your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage. In this video, Christine Romans and PR expert Rachel Sklar analyze the decision of McDonald’s to attach themselves to Charles Ramsey’s new-found fame in the Cleveland kipnappings.

1. Based on the video, what does newsjacking require corporate marketers to do? If a corporation pays marketers to do this, in what manner do you think that they should be compensated?
2. Do you think that a value could be attached to a newsjacking service? If so, how would you do it?
3. Research newsjacking and present your favorite example, other than those given in the video.
4. Present a cost/benefit analysis of newsjacking versus traditional PR methods.

CNN Video. (2013). ‘Newsjacking’ in social media, May 10 (Retrievable online at