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Kodak, the 131-year-old film pioneer, filed for bankruptcy protection last month. News got worse this week when the company announced they would stop doing what they were the first to ever do – manufacture digital cameras. Then on Feb. 15, Apple asked a bankruptcy court for permission to sue Kodak for patent infringement, resulting from Kodak’s efforts to import printers and digital camera.


1. Why did the video say that this should be a business school case study?
2. What specific signs should Kodak have recognized as roadmarks for change?
3. What is Kodak’s strategy going forward under bankruptcy protection? Discuss what other avenues you believe Kodak could take going forward.
4. If Apple is successful, how should the company account for any proceeds gained from the patent infringement lawsuit?


The New York Times video.(2012). Kodak Declares Bankruptcy, Jan.19 (Retrievable online at

Passikoff, R. (2012). No More Kodak Moments., Feb. 13 (Retrievable online at

Reuters staff. (2012). Apple Inc. has asked a bankruptcy court for permission to sue Eastman Kodak, accusing it of infringing its patents., Feb. 15 (Retrievable online at