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The Securities and Exchange Commission, in a fundamental policy shift, said Friday, January 6, that it would no longer allow defendants to say they neither admit nor deny civil fraud or insider trading charges when, at the same time, they admit to or have been convicted of criminal violations. This has been a longstanding practice of allowing companies to settle fraud charges by paying a fine without admitting wrongdoing.

1. In what types of cases will “neither admit or deny” still be allowed?
2. According to the article, who at the SEC decides whether to use relevant facts from the criminal case in its own court documents for the civil case?
3. In November, what high-publicity case was critical of the “neither admit or deny” settlements and who was the judge that made that point?


Wyatt, E. (2012). S.E.C. Changes Policy on Firms’ Admission of Guilt, The New York Times, Jan. 6 (Retrievable online at