Posted by & filed under Accounting Principles, All Articles, Financial Accounting, IFRS, Intermediate Accounting.

Good news for accounting graduates! A nationwide survey of 3,500 accounting, finance, and human resource executives indicated that, in 2010, the majority of accounting and financial businesses that were impacted by the economic crisis are likely to hire accounting and financial candidates in 2010. About half of the survey respondents said they anticipated hiring support, staff, and management-level employees.  Another interesting finding of the survey was that over one third of respondents were in favor International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).


1. If large, public-sized companies are moving toward adoption of IFRS, what implication does IFRS have on SMEs (small and medium-sized entities)?

2.  What steps might you take to become more familiar with IFRS?  Investigate the web to find resources that will continually provide you with the most recent IFRS updates.

Roger Russell, Senior Editor, Accounting Today,  (c) 2010. (Retrievable online at